2. Partnering with Consumers

The Partnering with Consumers Standard at Monash Surgical Private Hospital (MSPH) aims to create a health service that delivers mutually beneficial outcomes by:

  • Engaging consumers as partners in planning, design, delivery, measurement and evaluation of systems and services
  • Involving patients as partners in their own care, to the extent that they choose.

This standard highlights the importance of patient involvement and clear communication. Along with the Clinical Governance Standard, it serves the foundation for the implementation of all other standards at MSPH.
There are various ways for consumers to help improve the quality of care we provide. You can participate as a consumer representative at Monash Surgical Private Hospital at any time.
If you would like further information about how to get involved, please email us, and we will be happy to discuss this unique opportunity with you.

Fax: 03 8545 8080
Or use the form below

    252 – 256 Clayton Road
    Clayton VIC 3168

    Hospital reception is open to the public:

    Monday – Friday 7.00am-5.00pm
    Saturday 7.00am – 1.00pm

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