1. Clinical Governance Standard

The Clinical Governance Standard at Monash Surgical Private Hospital (MSPH) ensures that a clinical governance framework is implemented to provide patients and consumers with safe and high-quality health care.

This standard aims to ensure that there are systems in place within health service organisations to maintain and improve the reliability, safety and quality of health care. This standard, together with the Partnering with Consumers Standard, set the overarching requirements for the effective implementation of all other standards. The Clinical Governance Standard recognises the importance of governance, leadership, culture, patient safety systems, clinical performance and the patient care environment in delivering high-quality care.

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    252 – 256 Clayton Road
    Clayton VIC 3168

    Hospital reception is open to the public:

    Monday – Friday 7.00am-5.00pm
    Saturday 7.00am – 1.00pm

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